UVic LoL Club: Duo’s Delight

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UVic LoL Club: Duo’s Delight

Feb 12, 2021 @ 7:00 pm 11:00 pm PST

Duo’s Delight is all about League of Legends Lore pairs!

Some examples of valid pairs include:

-Siblings (Garen + Lux, Darius + Draven, Kayle + Morgana, Nasus + Renekton, Yasuo + Yone)

-Couples (Xayah + Rakan, Lucian + Senna, Ashe + Tryndamere)

-Friends/allies (Gragas + Jax, Caitlyn + Vi)

-Memes (Shyvana + Ezreal, Taric + Ezreal, Riven + Zac, Rengar + Yuumi, Rengar + Nidalee)

Registration ends Feb 12th @ 5pm PST.



Vancouver Island


League of Legends